The King's Speech: Legislative Proposals Impacting Financial Services and Fintech

The King's Speech has unveiled several legislative proposals that hold significant implications for financial services firms and fintech companies. These proposed bills aim to enhance regulatory frameworks, support economic growth, and ensure the stability and integrity of financial institutions. Below, we explore the key pieces of legislation affecting the sector in detail. 

If you do not have time to read the full article below, we have a summery version of it available here.

Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill 

The Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill is a key piece of legislation proposed in the King's Speech aimed at enhancing the UK's financial stability by addressing the resolution regime for small bank failures. Here is a detailed look at the provisions and implications of this bill. 

Key Objectives 

The primary objective of the Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill is to strengthen the framework for managing the failure of small banks in a way that minimises systemic risk and protects taxpayers. The bill aims to provide the Bank of England with the necessary tools and mechanisms to support and stabilise failing banks effectively. 

Main Provisions 

  • Utilisation of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

  • The bill allows the Bank of England to utilise funds from the FSCS to support failing banks. This support is intended to be recoverable through levies imposed on the banking sector, ensuring that the costs are distributed among banks rather than borne by taxpayers. 

  • The FSCS plays a crucial role in maintaining consumer confidence by protecting depositors and providing compensation in the event of bank failures. This bill extends its role to actively supporting the resolution of failing banks. 

  • Issuance of New Shares

  • One of the innovative mechanisms included in the bill is the requirement for banks in resolution to issue new shares. This provision aims to recapitalise banks quickly and efficiently, thereby maintaining their operational stability during resolution processes. 

  • The issuance of new shares can help ensure that banks have sufficient capital to continue operating and meeting their obligations, reducing the likelihood of a complete collapse that could have wider economic repercussions. 

Implications for the Banking Sector 

The Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill has significant implications for the banking sector, particularly for small and medium-sized banks: 

  • Enhanced Stability: By providing a clear and robust framework for resolving bank failures, the bill enhances the overall stability of the financial system. Banks and financial institutions can operate with greater confidence knowing that mechanisms are in place to manage potential failures effectively. 

  • Risk Mitigation: The ability to use FSCS funds and require new share issuance mitigates the risk of financial instability spreading from failing banks to the broader economy. This targeted approach ensures that resolution efforts are swift and effective. 

  • Cost Distribution: The recoverable nature of the FSCS support through levies ensures that the costs of bank resolution are fairly distributed across the banking sector. This approach prevents any single entity or taxpayer from bearing the entire burden, promoting a more equitable financial system. 

The Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill represents a proactive approach to managing bank failures in the UK. By enhancing the resolution regime and providing the Bank of England with crucial tools, the bill aims to maintain financial stability, protect consumers, and ensure a resilient banking sector. This legislative move reflects a commitment to addressing potential risks in the financial system and safeguarding the economy from the impacts of bank failures. 

National Wealth Fund (NWF) Bill 

The National Wealth Fund (NWF) Bill is a significant legislative proposal introduced in the King's Speech. This bill aims to consolidate and enhance the UK's investment framework, driving economic growth and supporting environmental sustainability. Below, we delve into the key aspects and implications of the NWF Bill based on the content from the provided links. 

Key Objectives 

The National Wealth Fund (NWF) Bill is designed to centralise and streamline the investment efforts of the UK, particularly focusing on high-priority sectors that can stimulate economic growth and promote a greener economy. The bill seeks to bring together various investment bodies under a unified framework to maximise the impact and efficiency of public investments. 

Main Provisions 

  • Consolidation of Investment Entities

  • UK Infrastructure Bank and British Business Bank: The NWF Bill proposes aligning the UK Infrastructure Bank and the British Business Bank under the National Wealth Fund. This consolidation aims to create a cohesive strategy for public investments, ensuring that resources are directed towards sectors with the highest potential for economic and environmental impact. 

  • Strategic Investment Approach: By unifying these entities, the NWF will be able to deploy capital more effectively, targeting projects that contribute to long-term economic resilience and sustainability. 

  • Focus on Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

  • Priority Sectors: The bill emphasises investing in sectors that can drive significant economic growth while also supporting the UK's commitment to environmental sustainability. This includes investments in renewable energy, green infrastructure, and other projects that align with the government's broader environmental goals. 

  • Green Economy: The NWF is tasked with not only boosting economic performance but also ensuring that investments contribute to the transition towards a greener, more sustainable economy. This dual focus is critical for balancing economic development with environmental stewardship. 

Implications for Financial Services and Fintech Firms 

The National Wealth Fund (NWF) Bill has several implications for financial services and fintech firms: 

  • Enhanced Investment Opportunities: The consolidation of investment bodies under the NWF will likely create new opportunities for financial services and fintech firms to participate in large-scale projects funded by the government. This could include providing financial services for green projects or developing fintech solutions that support sustainable investments. 

  • Strategic Partnerships: Financial services firms may find opportunities to partner with the NWF on various initiatives, leveraging their expertise in financial management, risk assessment, and investment strategy to contribute to the fund's objectives. 

  • Innovation in Green Finance: With a strong focus on environmental sustainability, the NWF Bill encourages the development of innovative financial products and services that support green finance. Fintech firms can play a crucial role by offering digital solutions that enhance the efficiency and transparency of sustainable investments. 

The National Wealth Fund (NWF) Bill represents a strategic move to centralise and optimise public investments in the UK, focusing on driving economic growth and promoting environmental sustainability. By aligning key investment entities under a unified framework, the bill aims to create a more effective and impactful approach to public investment.  

Pension Schemes Bill 

The Pension Schemes Bill, as highlighted in the King's Speech, is a significant legislative proposal aimed at improving the management and value delivery of pension schemes in the UK. This bill introduces measures designed to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and value for money in the pension sector. Below is a detailed examination of the key aspects and implications of the Pension Schemes Bill based on the content from the provided links. 

Key Objectives 

The primary goal of the Pension Schemes Bill is to ensure that pension schemes in the UK provide good value for money and that members are better able to track and manage their pension pots. This is particularly important in a landscape where individuals often accumulate multiple pension pots throughout their careers. 

Main Provisions 

  • Consolidation of Defined Contribution Pension Pots

  • Tracking and Management: The bill focuses on consolidating Defined Contribution (DC) pension pots. This provision aims to reduce the risk of members losing track of their pensions as they move between different employers and accumulate multiple pension pots over time. 

  • Efficiency and Accessibility: By consolidating pension pots, the bill seeks to make it easier for individuals to manage their retirement savings. This initiative is expected to enhance the overall efficiency of the pension system and ensure that members have a clearer view of their pension wealth. 

  • Implementation of a Value for Money Framework

  • Ensuring Good Value: A key provision of the bill is the introduction of a Value for Money framework for pension schemes. This framework will require pension schemes to demonstrate that they are delivering good value to their members in terms of costs, investment performance, and the quality of retirement products offered. 

  • Regulatory Oversight: The framework will also involve increased regulatory oversight to ensure that pension schemes adhere to the standards of value for money. This is aimed at protecting members from poor-performing schemes and ensuring that their retirement savings are well-managed. 

  • Retirement Products

  • Mandatory Offering: The bill stipulates that pension schemes must offer appropriate retirement products to their members. This includes products that provide a steady income in retirement and protect against longevity risk. 

  • Member Guidance: Pension schemes will be required to provide clear guidance and support to their members, helping them make informed decisions about their retirement options. 

Implications for Pension Schemes and Members 

The Pension Schemes Bill has several important implications for both pension schemes and their members: 

  • Enhanced Member Engagement: By consolidating pension pots and improving the accessibility of pension information, the bill aims to enhance member engagement. Members will be better equipped to track and manage their pension savings, leading to more proactive retirement planning. 

  • Improved Scheme Performance: The Value for Money framework will drive pension schemes to improve their performance and efficiency. Schemes that fail to deliver good value may face regulatory action, incentivising them to adopt best practices in investment and administration. 

  • Greater Financial Security in Retirement: The focus on providing appropriate retirement products ensures that members have access to options that offer financial security in retirement. This is particularly important in mitigating risks associated with longevity and market volatility. 

The Pension Schemes Bill represents a comprehensive effort to enhance the UK's pension landscape by promoting efficiency, transparency, and value for money. By focusing on the consolidation of pension pots, the implementation of a Value for Money framework, and the provision of appropriate retirement products, the bill aims to ensure that pension schemes better serve their members. Financial services firms and pension providers should prepare for these changes, which promise to improve the overall management and performance of pension schemes in the UK. 

Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill 

The Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill, as introduced in the King's Speech, aims to enhance the UK's corporate governance and audit framework. This proposed legislation is a significant step towards improving transparency, accountability, and resilience within the corporate sector. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the bill's provisions and its potential impact based on the provided sources. 

Key Objectives 

The Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill aims to: 

  • Strengthen the regulatory framework governing corporate audits. 

  • Enhance the accountability of corporate directors. 

  • Improve the overall quality and transparency of corporate governance practices. 

Main Provisions 

  • Establishment of the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA)

  • Replacement of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC): The bill proposes the creation of the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA) to replace the existing Financial Reporting Council (FRC). ARGA will have broader powers and responsibilities to oversee the audit profession and corporate reporting standards. 

  • Regulatory Enhancements: ARGA will be empowered to enforce stronger regulatory standards and take decisive action against audit failures and poor corporate governance practices. 

  • Extension of Public Interest Entity (PIE) Status

  • Inclusion of Large Private Companies: The bill extends the designation of Public Interest Entity (PIE) to include large private companies. This expansion aims to ensure that significant non-public entities are subject to rigorous audit and reporting standards. 

  • Enhanced Oversight: By broadening the scope of PIE status, the bill seeks to increase transparency and accountability across a wider range of influential companies. 

  • Director Accountability and Sanctions

  • New Powers for ARGA: The bill grants ARGA new powers to sanction company directors for financial misreporting and other governance failures. This includes the ability to impose fines and other penalties to hold directors accountable for their actions. 

  • Focus on Accountability: These measures are intended to deter misconduct and promote a culture of responsibility and integrity among corporate leaders. 

Implications for Corporate Governance and the Audit Profession 

The Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill has several significant implications for corporate governance and the audit profession in the UK: 

  • Improved Audit Quality: The establishment of ARGA and its enhanced regulatory powers are expected to lead to a significant improvement in the quality of audits. This includes more thorough and reliable financial reporting, which is crucial for maintaining investor confidence and market stability. 

  • Increased Transparency: Extending PIE status to large private companies ensures that more businesses are subject to stringent audit and reporting requirements. This move is likely to enhance transparency and provide stakeholders with better insights into the financial health and governance practices of these companies. 

  • Greater Director Accountability: The introduction of new powers to sanction directors underscores the importance of accountability in corporate governance. By holding directors personally accountable for financial misreporting and governance failures, the bill aims to foster a culture of ethical leadership and corporate responsibility. 

The Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill represents a pivotal development in the UK's efforts to strengthen corporate governance and improve the quality of audits. By establishing the Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA), extending PIE status, and enhancing director accountability, the bill seeks to promote transparency, integrity, and resilience within the corporate sector. These measures are expected to bolster investor confidence, support market stability, and ensure that corporate entities operate with the highest standards of governance. 

Digital Information and Smart Data Bill 

The Digital Information and Smart Data Bill, as outlined in the King's Speech, aims to enhance access to digital information and leverage smart data to improve transparency and efficiency in the financial sector. This proposed legislation is particularly relevant for fintech companies that rely on data-driven innovations to offer advanced financial solutions. Here is a detailed exploration of the bill's key aspects and its implications, based on the provided sources. 

Key Objectives 

The primary goal of the Digital Information and Smart Data Bill is to: 

  • Improve the accessibility and transparency of digital information. 

  • Utilise smart data to drive innovation and efficiency within the financial services sector. 

  • Support the growth of fintech by providing a robust framework for data usage and management. 

Main Provisions 

  • Enhanced Access to Digital Information

  • Transparency Initiatives: The bill emphasises the need for improved transparency in the financial sector by making digital information more accessible. This includes data related to financial transactions, market operations, and regulatory compliance. 

  • Regulatory Framework: Establishing a clear regulatory framework for the collection, management, and dissemination of digital information is a core component of the bill. This framework aims to ensure that data is accurate, secure, and readily available to stakeholders. 

  • Utilisation of Smart Data

  • Data-Driven Innovation: The bill promotes the use of smart data—data that is collected, processed, and analysed in real-time to provide actionable insights. This is particularly important for fintech companies that develop innovative financial products and services based on data analytics and artificial intelligence. 

  • Efficiency Improvements: By leveraging smart data, financial institutions can enhance their operational efficiency. This includes improving customer service through personalised financial advice, detecting fraudulent activities with greater accuracy, and optimising investment strategies. 

Implications for Financial Services and Fintech Firms 

The Digital Information and Smart Data Bill has several significant implications for financial services and fintech firms: 

  • Boost to Fintech Innovation: By providing a regulatory environment that supports the use of smart data, the bill encourages fintech firms to innovate. This can lead to the development of new financial products that are more responsive to consumer needs and market conditions. 

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Financial institutions can leverage smart data to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve service delivery. This includes more efficient compliance with regulatory requirements and better risk management practices. 

  • Improved Customer Experience: With greater access to digital information and the ability to analyse it in real-time, financial services firms can offer more personalised and timely services to their customers. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

The Digital Information and Smart Data Bill represents a forward-thinking approach to harnessing the power of digital information and smart data in the financial sector. By improving transparency, supporting data-driven innovation, and enhancing operational efficiency, this bill sets the stage for significant advancements in financial services and fintech.  


The proposed legislation outlined in the King's Speech represents a comprehensive effort to enhance the UK's financial services framework. By addressing key areas such as bank resolution, pension management, corporate governance, and digital information, these bills aim to foster a stable, transparent, and innovative financial environment. Financial services firms and fintech companies should prepare for these changes, which promise to shape the future landscape of the industry. 

Who are Lagom Consulting? 

At Lagom Consulting, we pride ourselves on being more than marketing and management consultants; we are your strategic allies in building marketing strategies to market into financial services market.  

Our ethos centres around delivering first-class service, underpinned by a hands-on approach that melds practical problem-solving with time-tested marketing solutions. We recognise that effective marketing is an ongoing journey, not a one-off exercise. We steer clear of ‘random acts of marketing’, opting instead for a comprehensive and sustained approach.  

Working with Lagom Consulting means gaining more than a consultant; it means acquiring a partner committed to your enduring success. 


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