UK General Election 2024: What it Means for Financial Services Firms

As the UK approaches the 2024 General Election, financial services firms and fintech companies are closely watching the policy proposals from major political parties.  

These policies will shape the regulatory landscape, taxation, investment opportunities, and the overall business environment. Here is a detailed analysis of what each party’s manifesto means for the financial services sector. 

Conservative Party: Stability and Incremental Reforms 

The Conservative Party's approach to the financial services sector emphasises maintaining stability and implementing incremental reforms.  

This strategy aims to provide a conducive environment for growth and innovation while ensuring regulatory oversight and consumer protection. Below are the key areas of focus: 

Regulatory Framework 

The Conservative Party proposes a balanced regulatory framework designed to make the UK an attractive destination for financial services and fintech firms. They aim to: 

  • Streamline Regulations: Simplify existing regulations to reduce the administrative burden on companies, allowing them to focus on growth and innovation. 

  • Consumer Protection: Maintain strong consumer protection measures to ensure trust and confidence in the financial system. 

  • Adaptability: Ensure that regulations are adaptable to accommodate new financial technologies and business models, promoting a dynamic and forward-looking financial environment. 

Taxation Policies 

Tax policy under the Conservative Party is geared towards fostering a competitive business environment. Key points include: 

  • Competitive Corporate Tax Rates: Keeping corporate tax rates low to attract domestic and international businesses, supporting job creation and economic growth. 

  • Incentives for Investment: Offering tax incentives for investments in key areas such as technology and innovation, encouraging firms to invest in their future capabilities. 

  • Simplification of Tax System: Streamlining the tax system to make it more efficient and easier for businesses to comply with, reducing the cost and complexity of tax compliance. 

Support for Technology and Innovation 

Recognising the crucial role of technology and innovation in the financial services sector, the Conservative Party has outlined several initiatives: 

  • Digital Infrastructure: Investing in robust digital infrastructure to support the needs of fintech companies and ensure the UK remains a leader in financial technology. 

  • Funding and Grants: Providing funding and grants to support research and development in emerging technologies, helping firms to innovate and stay competitive. 

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Encouraging partnerships between the public and private sectors to drive technological advancements and share best practices. 

Market Competitiveness 

Maintaining the UK's competitive edge in the global financial market is a priority. The Conservative Party plans to: 

  • Attract International Business: Implement policies that attract international financial institutions and fintech firms to set up operations in the UK, boosting the economy and creating jobs. 

  • Promote Free Trade: Advocate for free trade agreements that benefit the financial services sector, ensuring access to international markets and fostering global trade relations. 

  • Talent Acquisition: Develop strategies to attract and keep top talent from around the world, ensuring that the UK financial services sector has access to the best skills and expertise. 

The Conservative Party’s policies for the financial services sector focus on creating a stable and supportive environment that encourages growth and innovation. By streamlining regulations, maintaining competitive tax rates, and investing in technology, the Conservatives aim to ensure that the UK remains a leading global financial hub.  

This approach provides a clear path for firms looking to expand or set up themselves in the UK, promising a future of stability and incremental progress. 

Labour Party: Progressive Changes and Increased Oversight 

Labour's approach to the financial services sector centres on progressive changes aimed at increasing fairness and consumer protection.  

Their policies focus on stricter regulation, fairer taxation, and support for innovation and SMEs. 

Regulatory and Oversight Reforms 

Labour plans to enhance regulatory oversight to ensure a fair and transparent financial environment. Key proposals include: 

  • Stricter Regulations: Implementing more stringent regulations to curb financial misconduct and ensure accountability among financial institutions. 

  • Enhanced Transparency: Increasing transparency requirements for financial transactions and corporate governance to build public trust. 

  • Consumer Protection: Strengthening consumer protection laws to safeguard individuals from unfair practices and financial exploitation. 

Tax Policy Adjustments 

Labour’s tax policies aim to redistribute wealth and fund public services, impacting financial firms in several ways: 

  • Financial Transaction Tax: Introducing a financial transaction tax to generate revenue from the financial sector, which would affect high-frequency trading and speculative activities. 

  • Corporate Tax Rates: Proposing higher corporate tax rates on financial institutions’ profits, aiming to ensure that large firms contribute fairly to the economy. 

  • Tax Evasion Crackdown: Intensifying efforts to combat tax evasion and avoidance, ensuring that all firms pay their fair share. 

Support for SMEs and Startups 

Labour is committed to fostering innovation and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and fintech startups: 

  • Grants and Loans: Providing grants and low-interest loans to SMEs and startups to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. 

  • Access to Capital: Improving access to capital for new and growing businesses, particularly in underserved regions. 

  • Innovation Hubs: Set up innovation hubs and incubators to support the development of new financial technologies and business models. 

Focus on Financial Inclusion 

Labour emphasises financial inclusion to ensure that all individuals and businesses have access to necessary financial services: 

  • Community Banking: Supporting the establishment of community banks to provide essential banking services in underserved areas. 

  • Financial Literacy: Promoting financial literacy programmes to educate the public on managing finances effectively and making informed decisions. 

  • Affordable Credit: Ensuring the availability of affordable credit options for individuals and small businesses, reducing reliance on high-cost lenders. 

The Labour Party's vision for the financial services sector involves comprehensive reforms to enhance regulation, ensure fair taxation, and support innovation. By focusing on increased oversight, financial inclusion, and support for SMEs, Labour aims to create a fairer and more transparent financial environment. These changes could present both challenges and opportunities for financial services firms, requiring strategic adjustments to navigate the evolving landscape. 

Liberal Democrats: Emphasis on Sustainability and Digital Transformation 

The Liberal Democrats' manifesto for the financial services sector focuses on promoting sustainability and driving digital transformation. Their policies aim to position the UK as a leader in green finance and fintech innovation. 

Green Finance Initiatives 

The Liberal Democrats are committed to advancing green finance, with policies designed to encourage sustainable investment practices: 

  • Incentives for Green Investments: Introducing tax breaks and financial incentives for institutions that invest in green technologies and sustainable projects. 

  • Green Bonds: Promoting the issuance and uptake of green bonds to finance environmentally friendly initiatives and projects. 

  • Environmental Reporting: Mandating comprehensive environmental reporting standards for financial institutions to ensure transparency and accountability in their sustainability efforts. 

Digital Transformation 

Digital transformation is a cornerstone of the Liberal Democrats’ strategy to modernise the financial services sector: 

  • Robust Digital Infrastructure: Investing in the development of a robust digital infrastructure to support the growing needs of the fintech industry and enhance overall connectivity. 

  • Emerging Technologies: Encouraging the adoption and integration of emerging technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, to drive innovation and efficiency in financial services. 

  • Support for Fintech Startups: Providing funding and resources to fintech startups, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth within the digital finance space. 

Enhancing Consumer Rights 

Consumer protection and data security are key priorities for the Liberal Democrats: 

  • Data Protection: Strengthening data protection regulations to safeguard consumer information in an increasingly digital financial landscape. 

  • Consumer Advocacy: Establishing robust consumer advocacy programmes to ensure that individuals have access to fair financial services and can effectively address grievances. 

  • Transparent Pricing: Implementing measures to ensure transparent pricing and fees in financial products and services, protecting consumers from hidden costs. 

The Liberal Democrats aim to transform the UK’s financial services sector through sustainability and digital innovation. Their policies focus on promoting green finance, investing in digital infrastructure, and enhancing consumer protection. By positioning the UK as a leader in these areas, the Liberal Democrats are looking to create a forward-thinking financial ecosystem that supports both environmental goals and technological advancement. 

Implications for Financial Services and Fintech Firms 

The 2024 UK General Election policies will have varying impacts on financial services firms and fintech companies. Below are the key implications based on the manifestos of major political parties: 

Regulatory Environment 

  • Conservative Party: Firms can expect a stable and competitive regulatory framework, with streamlined regulations and strong consumer protection. This environment is conducive to both innovation and compliance ease. 

  • Labour Party: Companies should prepare for stricter regulations and enhanced oversight, aiming at greater transparency and consumer protection. This could increase compliance costs but improve market trust. 

  • Liberal Democrats: Emphasis on digital transformation will require firms to invest in robust digital infrastructure and look at adopting emerging technologies. Stronger data protection regulations will also lead to enhanced cybersecurity measures. 

Taxation Policies 

  • Conservative Party: The maintenance of competitive corporate tax rates and investment incentives can help firms maximise profitability and reinvest in growth areas like technology. 

  • Labour Party: Higher corporate taxes and a financial transaction tax could affect profitability. Firms need strategies for increased tax liabilities and explore efficiency improvements to mitigate these effects. 

  • Liberal Democrats: Tax incentives for green investments and digital innovation can help firms that align their strategies with sustainability and technological advancement. 

Innovation and Technology 

  • Conservative Party: Continued support for technological advancements through funding and public-private partnerships will enable firms to innovate and stay competitive. 

  • Labour Party: Support for SMEs and startups through grants and loans will boost innovation, especially in underserved areas, creating a more diverse and dynamic fintech landscape. 

  • Liberal Democrats: Investments in digital infrastructure and support for fintech startups will drive the adoption of innovative technologies, enhancing the sector’s overall efficiency and service offerings. 

Market Competitiveness 

  • Conservative Party: Policies aimed at attracting international businesses and promoting free trade will help firms expand their global footprint and access new markets. 

  • Labour Party: The potential increase in regulatory and tax burdens could challenge competitiveness but might be offset by the enhanced trust and stability resulting from stricter oversight. 

  • Liberal Democrats: The focus on sustainability and digital transformation will position UK firms as leaders in green finance and technology, attracting global investors and partners. 

The policies outlined in the manifestos of the Conservative Party, Labour Party, and Liberal Democrats will shape the future landscape of the financial services sector.  

Firms must remain agile and informed to navigate these changes, using new opportunities and mitigating potential challenges. By understanding and adapting to these policy directions, financial services firms and fintech companies can strategically position themselves for success in a dynamic and evolving market. 


The outcome of the 2024 General Election will significantly influence the financial services sector in the UK. Senior managers and owners of financial firms must stay informed and adaptable to navigate the evolving political landscape. By understanding each party’s proposals, firms can better prepare for the future, leveraging opportunities and mitigating risks associated with regulatory, taxation, and technological changes. 

Expanding into or Setting up a Financial Services Firm in the UK

If you are looking to expand into the UK or set up a new financial services firm and wish to discuss the regulatory environment, please contact Lagom Consulting today to book a free consultation call.

Our team can not only guide you on the FCA’s threshold conditions but also introduce you to the best suppliers within your budget. We assist firms in finding lawyers, accountants, compliance consultants, banking providers, personnel, office space, as well as more specialised financial services.

Who are Lagom Consulting? 

At Lagom Consulting, we pride ourselves on being more than marketing and management consultants; we are your strategic allies in building marketing strategies to market into financial services market.  

Our ethos centres around delivering first-class service, underpinned by a hands-on approach that melds practical problem-solving with time-tested marketing solutions. We recognise that effective marketing is an ongoing journey, not a one-off exercise. We steer clear of ‘random acts of marketing’, opting instead for a comprehensive and sustained approach.  

Working with Lagom Consulting means gaining more than a consultant; it means acquiring a partner committed to your enduring success. 


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